Blythe Sewing Tutorial: Dear Darling fashion for dolls「DIYキット クッション」 Easy Cushion Set~
今回の動画は先日発売されたDear Darling fashion for dolls「DIYキット クッション」の作り方動画です★
Dear Darling fashion for dolls「DIYキット クッション」はオンラインショップにて好評発売中です!
Junie Moon Japan: http://shop.juniemoon.jp
Junie Moon presents Dear Darling fashion of dolls "DIY Cushion Set"!
This is an easy DIY set that comes with you need to complete the project.
We have a special selection of fabric just the right scale for these Blythe goods. This set is available at:
Official Blythe Website: http://www.blythedoll.com
Junie Moon International Online Shopping: http://www.juniemoonshop.com
Junie Moon Japan: http://www.juniemoon.jp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JunieMoonOnline
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/JM_JUNIEMOON/
For information on new dolls and product releases, sign up for our newsletter: https://preview.tinyurl.com/ycg984mc
#家で一緒にやってみよう #StayHome #WithMe #DIY #手作り #クッション #ドール小物