Dressed in his fancy suit, our dandy sure looks smart and handsome!
Once they leave the house their charm is irresistible.
“Dandy Dearest” is our fashion theme featuring handsome and fancy dandy styles.
The flouncy blouse with ribbon details, vest, cummerbund, short pants and long jacket coordinates a classic male dandy style.
The bold colors of black, ink blue and white are accented with silver and gold pops.
The utmost dandy accessories complete the look with a top hat, walking stick, high socks and long boots.
The face type is Radiance Renew and the skin tone is cream.
The hair is silver set in a long bob with bangs.
The eyeshadow is gray, cheeks and lips are salmon pink.
The eyes are set to a light blue with a gaze to the right and special gray with a forward gaze.
* This is an illustration design. The final product may differ from the illustration image.
Release Date: June 2020
Price: 21,500 JPY