12 months of beautiful art!
Here comes the 2016 Jeffrey Fulvimari Calendar!
Each month brings to you a new illustration, and a new mood to your room. It's almost as if Jeffrey is tapping into our hearts with his brush and paints!
This calendar is very detailed; the writing in the dates and schedule section are Jeffrey's own handwriting!
He loves nothing more than to know that people have written in their daily planning and filled the calendar with their lives.
Have a great 2016!
2016 Jeffrey Fulvimari Calendar
One type
Size: H210mm x W210 mm (when closed)
Full color on all pages, cover, 12 months, and profile page
Made in Japan
Available: September 1st, 2015 (Tue)
Price: ¥1,500

Keeping a schedule has never been more fun! 2016 Jeffrey Fulvimari Schedule book is here!
This schedule book stylishly encompasses your every need for a year.
From important meetings to a friends birthday, this cutely illustrated schedule book will make everyday nice and pretty!
Writing into it is always a fun treat!
The cover is soft and transparent, and the designs are "Heart", "Tokyo", and "Flower".
The planner is separated by month, and also has a section for notes and a subway map. It's slim design will fit any pocket.
2016 Jeffrey Fulvimari Schedule book
Three types: Heart, Tokyo, Flower
Size: H182mm x W128 mm (B6 size)
Soft cover (with transparent covering), address page, and subway
All functionality is the same throughout the three types
Available: September 1st, 2015 (Tue)
Price: ¥1,400