Her hair color is a rare dark blue that hasn't been used since 2008, her eye chips are a light shade of brown that recieved very good reviews, and her bags, sunglasses, and other small props have been given the highest attention to detail. This Blythe is for those who believe that Blythe is more than just a cute doll!
My friends from the dance club in highschool have become proffesional performers! I'm really proud of them, as a friend and as a dancer myself. I can't wait to see them on our next reunion!
Curly Blue Babe is a cute, yet mature dancer with a subtle, more nuanced sense of fashion. Her top is an open shoulder knit with a ribboned collar. The body and sleeves are thin, and the deep magenta pink enhances her femininity, and her bottoms are a stylish pair of leather pants. She carries a gold collard chain shoulder bag, wears pink sunglasses, and wears black boots.
Her hair comes down in a long, loose curl with bangs. Her make up is bright and warm, which uses the translucency of the face to give her a healthy glow. Her front facing eye chip is a special light brown, her face mold is Radiance+, and her stand is pink.

Facetype: Radiance+
Skintype: Half transparent Cream
Makeup: Eyeshadow: Brown, Lip: Rosepink, Cheek: Rosepink
Eyecolor: Light Brown (Front/special color), Blue (Right/default), Pink (Front), Green (Left/default)
Haircolor: Inkblue
Earring: None
Manicure: Rosepink
Set includes: Doll, Knit, Pants, Sunglasses, Bag, Shoes, Shorts, Stand
Release Date: October 24th for Hasbro Asia Official Blythe Shops
October 31st for Official Blythe Shops in Japan including
Junie Moon
Price: ¥13,800
* Junie Moon international online shopping will have a special lottery of 75
dolls from October 6th to October 12th. The Junie Moon and Japanese Official Blythe Shop release date is October 31.
Please check www.juniemoonshop.com for details.
* Please note this is a Hasbro Exclusive doll which means the majority of the stock will be distributed to Official Blythe shops in Asia outside of Japan.
Please check with your local Official Blythe shop about purchasing
methods. Because this is a Hasbro exclusive they hold an earlier release date of October 24th.