ZINOCHIKA loves animals and respects them all. Can you talk to animals? She can!
She has a special relationship with the animals because they trust and love each other.
Enjoy your time at the show!
Zinochika wears a special one piece dress that illustrates the world of the circus.
The split top skirt looks like the open curtain welcoming you into the big top.
You can see a parade of animals performing.
Elephants balance on balls, lions jump through hoops, and they are ready to entertain you!
Her furry, black guardsman hat has a huge fashion impact.
There is a paper stand of flags that complete the fun big top feeling.
She has fun gold buttons, ribbon and pom pom accents.
She wears white tights with sharp, black boots.
She is a Fairest face type to give her a more lady like feeling.
Her hair is a long and wavy with a side part. The color is warm, red.
She wears light green eyeshadow and salmon pink cheeks and lipstick.
It makes her look healthy and elegant.
She has special lime green eye chips with a forward gaze.

[Face Type] Fairest
[Skin Type] Cream
[Make Up] Eye Shadow: Green, Lip: Salmon Pink, Cheek: Salmon Pink
[Eye Color] Light Green (front *special color), Blue (right), Pink (front), Green (left)
[Hair Color] Deep Reddish Brown
[Set Contents] Doll, dress, hat, tights, boots, paper flag accessory, stand and underpants.
Release Date: September 20, 2013
Price: 14,490 JPY
Junie Moon international online shopping will start taking preorders for this doll from September 13th.
For more information check: www.juniemoonshop.com